Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten
Projektleitung gesamt
Thomas, Almut; HS-Prof MMag. Dr.
Projektleitung intern
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Herndler-Leitner, Karin; HS-Prof MMag. Dr. BEd
Wernisch, Daniela; Mag. BEd Prof.
Frank, Erik; HS-Prof. Reg.-Rat Mag. Dr.
Gabalier, Anna Maria; BEd MA Prof.
Gurmann, Peter; MMag. Dr. Dipl.Päd. Prof.
Wernisch, Daniela; Mag. BEd Prof.
Frank, Erik; HS-Prof. Reg.-Rat Mag. Dr.
Gabalier, Anna Maria; BEd MA Prof.
Gurmann, Peter; MMag. Dr. Dipl.Päd. Prof.
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
2023 – 2026
This research focuses on challenging classroom situations in the context of inclusion and how teachers can manage such situations. More specifically, we will focus on situations in classes with children with classroom behavior problems (CBP) and on classes with a high percentage of children with immigrant background (IB), as these class contexts are often perceived as challenging by teachers (A. Thomas et al., 2021, 2021). We aim to identify situations that teachers describe as challenging and use Self-Determination-Theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 2020) to ascertain teacher reactions which are appropriate to manage these situations and which at the same time foster positive student development. The challenging situations and the theory-derived adaptive teacher reactions to these situations will be used for the development of vignettes. After validation, the vignettes are intended for use in research and in teacher education. This research aligns excellently with main focuses of the university college of teacher education Carinthia, namely teacher training and the development of social-emotional competencies.
Beschreibung (engl.)
This research focuses on challenging classroom situations in the context of inclusion and how teachers can manage such situations. More specifically, we will focus on situations in classes with children with classroom behavior problems (CBP) and on classes with a high percentage of children with immigrant background (IB), as these class contexts are often perceived as challenging by teachers (A. Thomas et al., 2021, 2021). We aim to identify situations that teachers describe as challenging and use Self-Determination-Theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 2020) to ascertain teacher reactions which are appropriate to manage these situations and which at the same time foster positive student development. The challenging situations and the theory-derived adaptive teacher reactions to these situations will be used for the development of vignettes. After validation, the vignettes are intended for use in research and in teacher education. This research aligns excellently with main focuses of the university college of teacher education Carinthia, namely teacher training and the development of social-emotional competencies.