Die drei Komponenten des Umweltbewusstseins, die untersucht werden sollen:
1) Umweltwissen
2) Umweltverhalten
3) Umwelteinstellung (immer im Bezug auf die Kernthemen des NPG)
In der ersten Projektphase geht es darum, die Evaluationsmethoden zu entwickeln und die Umsetzung wissenschaftlich-beratend zu begleiten. In der Folge soll das Evaluationsprojekt weiter unterstützt werden (Datenerhebung, Auswertung…). Geplant ist, Masterstudierende zu involvieren.
The three components of environmental awareness to be studied
1) Environmental knowledge
2) Environmental performance/ behaviour
3) Environmental attitude (always in relation to the core issues of the NPG)
In the first project phase, the aim is to develop the evaluation methods and to provide scientific and advisory support during implementation. Subsequently, the evaluation project is to be further supported (data collection, analysis, etc.). It is planned to involve Master students.
This project builds on the predecessor project on SCHOOL@MUL 1.2 (https://www.ph-online.ac.at/kphgraz/wbLDB.detailLeistung?pOrgNr=1&pIdentNr=&pLstNr=784) and will be further developed in the following areas and contents
– Ongoing expansion and testing of the workshop programme and the number of visits for primary school classes in cooperation with the school supervisory authorities
– Integration and evaluation of LeLeO in teacher training at the KPH Graz (e.g. by means of a compulsory optional subject)
– Development and evaluation of further training courses offered by the KPH Graz for teachers in LeLeO
– Establishment of cooperation with companies in the region that are involved in the LeLeO programme as additional mediators of job descriptions etc.
– Establishment of an accompanying programme for families and thus increased involvement of parents as well
– Extension of LeLeO services to the under-6 age group through cooperation with an educational institution for elementary education, taking into account the issue of transition between kindergarten and primary school
– Continued impact research and description of the model for dissemination or transfer to other sites
Die derzeit vorhandene Dateneingabestruktur soll für den Einsatz auf verschiedenen elektronischen Geräten aufbereitet und inhaltlich adaptiert werden.
Die qualitative Begleitforschung zu Einsatzmöglichkeiten mittels Fokusgruppen und Leitfadeninterviews richtet sich an UserInnen (PädagogInnen, Studierende, Eltern).
The current data entry structure is to be prepared for use on various electronic devices and analyzed in terms of content.
The accompanying qualitative research by means of focus groups and guide views is aimed at educators, students, parents.