Mayr, Andrea Theresia; Prof. Mag. Dr.
Mayr, Andrea Theresia; Prof. Mag. Dr.
Grasser, Ursula; MEd Prof. BEd.
Holzer, Norbert; Prof. BEd. Dipl.Päd.
Die Autorinnen und Autoren der Studie gehen von der Hypothese aus, dass Religionslehrerinnen und -lehrer einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur so genannten „Schulpastoral“ leisten, der aber häufig zu wenig Beachtung findet. Die Untersuchung geht der Forschungsfrage nach, in welchem quantitativen Ausmaß die Religionslehrpersonen in der Steiermark pastorale Akzente in ihren Schulen setzen.
The state of MTT in Austria has been statistically well demonstrated, however, in-depth studies are not yet available. The present project aims to close these research gaps. By means of qualitative and quantitative research methods, mother tongue teachers and school principals are to be asked about the basic teacher education and continuous professional development of mother tongue teachers, their role and position in school teams as well as about the organization and language didactic implementation of MTT. The project results are intended to be a first step towards a systematic scientific exploration of MTT in Austria. The research project aims to contribute to the development of concrete measures regarding the professionalization of teachers and to strengthen the role of MTT in research and practice. A qualitative study by the PHK (see Unterköfler-Klatzer, Ressman & Wutti 2020) and activities of the NCoC BIMM on professionalization measures underpin the need for research on this topic, which has received rather marginal attention so far (see Dalton-Puffer, Boeckmann & Hinger 2019).