IPL Instituto politécnica de Leiria
Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación
LFEE Europe, Languages for Education
Ugdymo Pletotes Centras, Staatliche Universität in Vilnius
1) the PAX-Framework for pre- and in-service teachers (i.e., a competence framework with competence descriptors for the use of XR-technology in classrooms, which will be included in the existing curricula of all partner universities), as well as
2) the PAX-Design Guidelines for enterprises who seek to design XR-technology for instructional use.
In jointly developing these outcomes, we will incorporate transversal competences required to implement XR-technology in teaching and learning settings. PAX works towards fostering innovation, new skills, a sense of initiative and an entrepreneurial mindset in both pre-and in-service teachers. To ensure the progress and quality of the project, leading representatives of each partner institution will attend regular PAX-Board Meetings (monthly digital meetings for the first 6 months of the project, quarter-yearly meetings for the remaining 2,5 years).
The PrAXis-Group, which is an international and interdisciplinary group of critics consisting of teachers, teacher educators, curriculum designers and policy makers , will try and test both outcomes in regular intervals and advise the consortium on the progress of the project.