Kategorie: Informationstechnologie


Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Projektleitung gesamt
Roosendaal, Rob; / Hogeschool Inholland Alkmaar
Projektleitung intern
Burgsteiner, Harald Michael; HS-Prof. Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Ing.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Hogeschool Inholland Alkmaar
2013 – 2014
Studierende erforschen die Möglichkeiten der Anwendung von Informationstechnologien, Mobilgeräten (Handys, Tablets) und Funknetzwerken für gesundheitsrelevante Projekte. In Gruppen von 4 bis 5 Leuten werden eigene Projekte geplant und im April 2014 in Helsinki (Finnland) in zwei Wochen durchgeführt. Dort werden, abgesehen von interessanten Lehrveranstaltungen, auch die Projekte umgeplant, ihren Kollegen und Kolleginnen aus 6 europäischen Staaten präsentiert und in interkulturellen Teams so weit wie möglich umgesetzt.
Beschreibung (engl.)
The students will explore the possibilities for using information technologies, home devices (phone, tablet…) and wireless networks for health-related purposes. In groups of 4 or 5 they will carry out their projects and in April 2014 they will visit Helsinki (Finland) for two weeks. Beside interesting lectures, they will refine their projects there, present them to their colleagues from 6 european countries and develop them as far as possible in intercultural teams.



Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
Projektleitung gesamt
Strasser, Thomas; Univ. Lektor Hochschulprofessor Mag. Dr.
Projektleitung intern
Strasser, Thomas; Univ. Lektor Hochschulprofessor Mag. Dr.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Greller, Wolfgang; Mag. Dr. Univ.-Doz.
Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus; Hochschulprofessor Mag. Dr. MSc. OStR
Sankofi, Martin; Mag. MSc.
Szucsich, Petra; Mag. MSc.
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Ghoneim, Andrea;
Revyakina, Elena;
2020 – 2022
The EKT project aims to improve European higher education and, in particular, the development and experimentation of collaborative educational methodologies and Smart technological framework that aims to impact on a more effective, scalable, sustainable system which is closely linked to the professional contexts for which we train. To do this, we rely on a strategic triangle configured by educational centres (schools and teachers), universities (Faculties of Education and researchers) and technology-based companies and technological institutions (specifically those that offer services and e-learning resources). We propose to work in an articulated way from these three contexts to establish a dynamics of knowledge development based on teaching innovation, educational research and technological development.

The project is contextualized in the Faculties of Educational Sciences and in particular in the official studies of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Education. With the implementation of the European Higher Education Area, ITE in Europe converges in the incorporation of a significant period of school teaching practice (in-school placement) that in some cases constitutes up to 25% of the prospective teacher training. EU Commission, in its report “The Teaching Profession in Europe” (European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice,2015), highlights “real classroom experience” as one of the 3 key elements of ITE, emphasizing the importance of “in-school placement” at the same level of the “academic knowledge of their subject” and “teaching approaches”. A proper teacher training requires to be trained in these three elements. Surprisingly, academic policies do not generally value these three equally, and frequently, in-school placement is less valued, understanding that prospective teachers learn these skills naturally just by being placed in a school. This way, key processes to promote reflective learning of the teaching profession, such as collaboration, interaction, monitoring, and counselling processes are neglected.

In-school placement co-participated by university lecturers and non-university teaching tutors has a strategic character in the training of prospective teachers and sets a favourable scenario to promote the interaction between theory and practice, exercise professional skills and experiment proposals for educational innovation monitored by experienced professionals and analysed by educational researchers. However, the experience and the studies carried out on teaching practice show that, despite being a strategic scenario for student teachers training, the training experience can be improved, and this improvement can be implemented through the application of resources and services, delivered through e-learning. We therefore intend to address the needs for improving the training of student teachers during the implementation of in-school placements and therefore develop methodologies and e-learning solutions that have a real impact on the following aspects that clearly need to be improved:
• Dynamics to coordinate work between university and non-university teachers who supervise and accompany the student during the in-school placement period.
• Individualized follow-up of students in practice and their continued monitoring.
• An intelligent system that helps to support the self-learning process that every prospective teacher must record during the period of in-school teaching practice.

Beschreibung (engl.)
The EKT project aims to improve European higher education and, in particular, the development and experimentation of collaborative educational methodologies and Smart technological framework that aims to impact on a more effective, scalable, sustainable system which is closely linked to the professional contexts for which we train. To do this, we rely on a strategic triangle configured by educational centres (schools and teachers), universities (Faculties of Education and researchers) and technology-based companies and technological institutions (specifically those that offer services and e-learning resources). We propose to work in an articulated way from these three contexts to establish a dynamics of knowledge development based on teaching innovation, educational research and technological development.

The project is contextualized in the Faculties of Educational Sciences and in particular in the official studies of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Education. With the implementation of the European Higher Education Area, ITE in Europe converges in the incorporation of a significant period of school teaching practice (in-school placement) that in some cases constitutes up to 25% of the prospective teacher training. EU Commission, in its report “The Teaching Profession in Europe” (European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice,2015), highlights “real classroom experience” as one of the 3 key elements of ITE, emphasizing the importance of “in-school placement” at the same level of the “academic knowledge of their subject” and “teaching approaches”. A proper teacher training requires to be trained in these three elements. Surprisingly, academic policies do not generally value these three equally, and frequently, in-school placement is less valued, understanding that prospective teachers learn these skills naturally just by being placed in a school. This way, key processes to promote reflective learning of the teaching profession, such as collaboration, interaction, monitoring, and counselling processes are neglected.

In-school placement co-participated by university lecturers and non-university teaching tutors has a strategic character in the training of prospective teachers and sets a favourable scenario to promote the interaction between theory and practice, exercise professional skills and experiment proposals for educational innovation monitored by experienced professionals and analysed by educational researchers. However, the experience and the studies carried out on teaching practice show that, despite being a strategic scenario for student teachers training, the training experience can be improved, and this improvement can be implemented through the application of resources and services, delivered through e-learning. We therefore intend to address the needs for improving the training of student teachers during the implementation of in-school placements and therefore develop methodologies and e-learning solutions that have a real impact on the following aspects that clearly need to be improved:
• Dynamics to coordinate work between university and non-university teachers who supervise and accompany the student during the in-school placement period.
• Individualized follow-up of students in practice and their continued monitoring.
• An intelligent system that helps to support the self-learning process that every prospective teacher must record during the period of in-school teaching practice.



Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
Projektleitung gesamt
Berger, Christian; MA. Prof.
Projektleitung intern
Berger, Christian; MA
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus; Hochschulprofessor Dr. MSc.
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben
2016 – 2017
Das Projekt wurde vom Forum Neue Medien Austria finanziert. Es nahmen 13 österreichische Hochschulen und Universitäten am Projekt teil.Das Projekt wurde mit 30. Juni 2017 abgeschlossen. Die Auswahl der richtigen Software- und Hardware-Lösungen (z. B. proprietäre Systeme vs. Open-Source-Produkte) für einen Medienserver stellt Hochschulen vor eine große Herausforderung. Für entsprechende Vergleichsstudien sowie für die Definition der Anforderungsprofile müssen viele Ressourcen aufgewendet werden. Gleichzeitig verfügen mehrere österreichische Hochschulen aufgrund bereits durchgeführter Überlegungen und Testsettings schon über Erfahrungen mit diversen Lösungen. Ziel des Projektes war es, diese Erfahrungen in Form eines multilateralen Austausches zu bündeln, auf dieser Basis ein gemeinsames Anforderungsprofil für einen Medienserver zu entwickeln und dieses Anforderungsprofil den Leistungsmerkmalen unterschiedlicher Medienserver-Systeme gegenüber zu stellen.
Beschreibung (engl.)
The project was funded by Forum Neue Medien Austria. 13 Austrian colleges and universities participated in the project.The project was completed on June 30, 2017. Selecting the right software and hardware solutions (e.g., proprietary systems vs. open source products) for a media server is a major challenge for universities. A lot of resources have to be spent for corresponding comparative studies as well as for the definition of the requirement profiles. At the same time, several Austrian universities already have experience with various solutions due to considerations and test settings that have already been carried out. The goal of the project was to bundle this experience in the form of a multilateral exchange, to develop a common requirements profile for a media server on this basis, and to compare this requirements profile with the performance characteristics of different media server systems.


Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
Projektleitung gesamt
Grünberger, Nina; MMag.a. PhD / 4000 Schulentwicklung, Leadership und Praxisschulen (I:SLP)
Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus; Hochschulprofessor Mag. Dr. MSc OStR
Projektleitung intern
Grünberger, Nina; MMag. PhD
Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus; Hochschulprofessor Mag. Dr. MSc OStR
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Döbrentey-Hawlik, Birgit; Dipl.-Päd.
Frick, Klemens; Mag. BSc. MSc.
Mittlböck, Katharina; Mag. Dr. MSc. Prof.
Sankofi, Martin; Mag. MSc.
Szucsich, Petra; Mag. MSc.
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
2019 – 2020
Die Digitalisierung prägt unsere Gesellschaft und unseren Alltag grundlegend. Digitale Geräte wie Smartphones sind unsere ständigen Begleiter. Klar, dafür möchten wir ein funktionstüchtiges, stylisches und wenn möglich höchst aktuelles Gerät. Auch bezogen auf Schulen geht es oft um die Frage der technischen Ausstattung. Vergessen wird dabei häufig auf die ökologischen Implikationen der Digitalisierung.

Wir wollen mit dem Projekt ÖHA! dazu einen Beitrag leisten, damit die Frage was mein Smartphone mit Klimaschutz zu tun hat nicht unbeantwortet bleiben muss.

ÖHA! ist ein partiziptatives Projekt, das mit unterschiedlichen Projektpartner*innen auf Augenhöhe Lehr-Lernmittel zur Sensibilisierung für ökologisch-verantwortliches Medienhandeln in Schule und darüber hinaus entwickelt.

Beschreibung (engl.)
Digitalisation is fundamentally shaping our society and our everyday lives. Digital devices like smartphones are our constant companions. Of course, we want a functional, stylish and, if possible, highly up-to-date device. In relation to schools, too, it is often a question of technical equipment. The ecological implications of digitalisation are often forgotten.
With the ÖHA! project, we want to make a contribution so that the question of what my smartphone has to do with climate protection does not have to remain unanswered.

ÖHA! is a participatory project that develops teaching and learning materials with different project partners on an equal footing to raise awareness for ecologically responsible media behaviour in schools and beyond.



Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
Projektleitung gesamt
Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus; Hochschulprofessor Dr. MSc.
Projektleitung intern
Szucsich, Petra; Mag. MSc
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
2014 – 2016
Erhebung von Mahara Instanzen im Bildungsbereich, Sammlung von Good Practice Beispielen an Schulen, Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten, Sammlung und zusammenfassende Analyse der Ergebnisse in einem elektronischen Portfolio
Beschreibung (engl.)
Survey of Mahara instances in the education sector, collection of good practice examples at schools, interviews with experts, collection and summary analysis of the results in an electronic portfolio


Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
Projektleitung gesamt
Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus; Hochschulprofessor Mag. Dr. MSc. OStR
Projektleitung intern
Szucsich, Petra; Mag. MSc
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
2015 – 2016
Im Rahmen des Projekts KidZ (“Klassenzimmer der Zukunft“) des bmbwf wurde eine interaktive Landkarte erstellt, die mit E-Portfolio-Ansichten der einzelnen Schulen mittels der Software Mahara verknüpft waren. Dort waren insgesamt 39 der rund 80 KidZ-Schulen Österreichs abgebildet, die damit Ihre Erfahrungen und Projekte für sich selbst und für andere zugänglich machten.
Beschreibung (engl.)
As part of the KidZ project (“Classroom of the Future”) of the Austrian Ministry of Education, an interactive map was created that was linked to e-portfolio views of individual schools using the Mahara software. Thus a total of 39 of around 80 KidZ schools in Austria were displayed, making their experiences and projects accessible for themselves and for others.