Digital competences of pre-school teachers in Austria


Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich
Projektleitung gesamt
Fikisz, Walter; Mag. (FH) BEd MA
Projektleitung intern
Fikisz, Walter; Mag. (FH) BEd Hochschulprofessor MA PhD. Prof.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Skubic, Darija; Dr.
2018 – 2021
Beschreibung (engl.)
In this project the challenges for pre-school teachers in the field of digital literacy will be analysed. It follows the question what competencies they need to provide appropriate digital education for the pre-school children.
While models of digital competencies for primary and secondary school teachers have been developed within the last years, a model for pre-school teachers does not exist. In German-speaking countries, the DACH-region, there are only general models for pre-school teacher’s competencies available so far, but none with a specific focus on digital competencies. According to that, one aim of this work is to set up a list of specific digital competencies pre-school teachers need compared to teachers in school. The analysis of interviews with experts in the field of early childhood education, media education, informatics and pre-school teacher training in Austria and other European countries will show if and what specific digital competencies of pre-school teachers should be added to the existing models for teachers or if there even should be invented a complete new specific model for pre-school teachers.
According to current models of teaching quality and teacher professionalism, not only competence and knowledge about didactic application, but also motivation of teachers is one key factor for innovative teaching design with digital media. Concluding therefrom, the second aim of this paper is to get an impression of Austrian pre-school teachers’ attitude towards digital education in kindergarten and how it could get improved.


