Student teachers’ first experiences with teaching English using digital media


Private Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems
Projektleitung gesamt
Guczogi, Theresa; BEd MA. MA.
Projektleitung intern
Guczogi, Theresa; BEd MA MA
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
2021 – 2022
This research project explores students’ experiences and issues using CALL (computer-assisted language learning) and MALL (media-assisted language learning) for their teaching of English for the first time. Equipping future teachers with the skills to integrate technology in their teaching has the potential to transform pupils’ learning experiences and initiate a technological turn in the Austrian school system. Helping student teachers to learn how to use digital media effectively in their own teaching can also play a crucial role in raising awareness for the advantages that using online tools has for all subjects, but especially for English and other foreign languages, as they can provide access to authentic materials and provide opportunities to effectively train all language skills. Furthermore, it contributes to the United Nation’s SDG 4.1 which aims to provide equal and free education for all girls and boys and to facilitate effective learning.
Beschreibung (engl.)