Forschungsschwerpunkt: development of a trans-European didactic framework


Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Projektleitung gesamt
Munkholm Davidsen, Helle; PhD
Projektleitung intern
Bauer, Christa; Mag. OStR
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Moser, Daniela; HS-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Pichler, Ernst; Mag. Prof.
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
2012 – 2015
The main focus of this project is to develop and launch a trans-European didactic entrepreneurial framework leading to the development of a joint trans-European didactic model. The model will be based on a trans-European entrepreneurial framework and on established national models, methods and experiences from the partners that have proven to develop and support entrepreneurial competences. The project aims at creating a joint model to maximize the impact of knowledge sharing and mutual learning among the YEDAC partners. It will be based on the identification of existing learning strategies and models as well as national and trans-European entrepreneurial networks of YEDAC partners.
The development of a joint, didactic entrepreneurial model, which can be implemented in secondary schools in accordance with school curricula, is meant to strengthen the growth of positive entrepreneurial mindsets of young people, to enhance innovative competences and to unlock business opportunities in the future.
The project furthermore values innovative models which deal with authentic projects in order to support entrepreneurial attitudes and skills like taking initiative, developing and implementing new ideas as well as planning and managing projects.
The didactic entrepreneurial model will be tested in the project in order to secure its ability to work in practical contexts in accordance with school curriculum and integrated in teaching subjects and in different national contexts. The project furthermore aims at producing materials and learning platforms in order to support the use and sustainability of the developed model.

The project consortium have well established and widely recognized track records within Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. Three of the regions involved in the project have been awarded the title as European Entrepreneurship Regions (EER) by the European Commission: Southern Denmark and Styria, Austria recently received the EER label for the year 2013, whereas Helsinki-Uusimaa, Finland holds the current EER label of 2012. The titles have been awarded on the basis of the impressive results of these regions in paving the way for new entrepreneurs and their strategic dedication to ensuring that tomorrow’s entrepreneurship will be founded on expertise, higher education and specialization. The particular strength of the regions stems from the collaborative partnership between enterprises, education institutions and the public sector. There is a strong support from the regional authorities to make sure that the pipeline of future entrepreneurs is underpinned by state-of-the art entrepreneurship education in primary and secondary schools.
The partnership is completed by partners with relevant complementary competences from the regions of Andalusia, South Holland and Sofia. These partners are acknowledged as being on the European forefront with regard to educational research and will develop new didactic methods that involve the interplay of educational institutions and the business sector. The broad geographical representation of the project consortium will ensure a successful dissemination and implementation of the project results as well as their replicability at a broader European scale.

Beschreibung (engl.)