Forschungsschwerpunkt: higher education


Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Projektleitung gesamt
Burgsteiner, Harald Michael; HS-Prof. Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Ing.
Projektleitung intern
Burgsteiner, Harald Michael; HS-Prof. Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Ing.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Grandl, Maria; Mag. / 6800 Institut für digitale Medienbildung
Lanz, Julia; Dipl.-Ing. / 6800 Institut für digitale Medienbildung
Teufel, Martin; IL MA BEd Ing. Prof. / 6800 Institut für digitale Medienbildung
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Aabloo, Alvo;
Androulidaki, Semeli;
Ayciriex, Luciana;
Babagiannou, Rosanna;
Baumann, Wilfried;
Egúsquiza, Carolina;
Ehardt-Schmiederer, Margit;
Ermis, Derya;
Esktrand Madsen, Jesper;
Guldholt, Kim;
Hansen, John;
Hartikainen, Heidi;
Kandlhofer, Martin;
Kinnula, Marianne;
Kruusamäe, Karl;
Lieckfeld, Anna-Sarah;
Lomvardos, Gerasimos;
Lykogianni, Elissavet;
O’Neill, Heather;
Papaioannou, Georgia;
Petromelidou, Foteini;
Salzberg, Julia;
Schifferle, Tobias; / Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
Sklavidis, Iosif;
Spieler, Bernadette; / Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
Tisner, Marina;
Ursa, Yolanda;
Vunder, Veiko;
2024 – 2027
Computational Thinking, Problemlösungsfähigkeiten sowie soziale, grüne und persönliche Fähigkeiten werden immer wichtiger. Infolgedessen verlagert sich der Schwerpunkt in der Bildung weg von der Wissensvermittlung hin zur Befähigung zum selbstständigen, reflektierten und kooperativen Kompetenzerwerb. Bildung in einer Kultur der Digitalität sichert die Teilhabe aller Lernenden mit unterschiedlichen Voraussetzungen und Chancengleichheit. In Anbetracht dieser Herausforderungen konzentriert sich das vorgeschlagene Projekt auf die Entwicklung, Implementierung und Evaluierung eines sektorübergreifenden, standardisierten Ausbildungs- und Zertifizierungssystems, das auf den Säulen Computational und Entrepreneurial Thinking sowie Sustainable Future und Green Skills. Dies wird effizient dazu beitragen zur Erreichung zukünftiger Wissensentwicklungen in ganz Europa in der Berufs- und Hochschulbildung beitragen. Das Endergebnis des des Projekts wird ein auf Mikro-Zertifizierung basierendes Ausbildungssystem namens „ComeThinkAgain CETS“ sein, das Mikro-Module sowohl für die berufliche als auch für die Hochschulbildung auf europäischer Ebene anbietet. Da Lehrkräfte und Ausbilder Multiplikatoren für die derzeitigen Arbeitsplätze in der Industrie und die zukünftigen Arbeitskräfte sind, sind die Hauptzielgruppen des Projekts Lehrkräfte, die auf Hochschulniveau an Pädagogischen Hochschulen ausgebildet werden, und Ausbilder in der beruflichen Bildung mit Schwerpunkt auf IKT-Berufen sowie auf bestimmten Industriesektoren wie der Fertigung oder Produktion. Die erstellten Lernmaterialien werden als Open Educational Resources (OER) unter einer offenen Creative Commons (CC-by) Lizenz veröffentlicht. Der Ansatz, eine international anerkannte und standardisierte Zertifizierung anzubieten, orientiert sich am Europäischen Computerführerschein ECDL; (ICDL, 2022). Die Wirksamkeit dieses Ansatzes wird durch experimentelle Pilotimplementierungen in den Ländern der Projektpartner in Form von Lehrerausbildung an Hochschulen und Berufsbildungseinrichtungen nachgewiesen.
Beschreibung (engl.)
Computational thinking, problem-solving skills, as well as social, green and personal skills are becoming increasingly important. As a result, the focus in education is transitioning away from imparting knowledge and more towards enabling independent, reflective, and cooperative competence acquisition. Education in a culture of digitality ensures the participation of all learners with different prerequisites and equal opportunities. Facing these challenges, the proposed project focuses on the development, implementation and evaluation of a cross-sectoral, standardised training and certification system based on the pillars of
Computational and Entrepreneurial Thinking, as well as Sustainable Future and Green Skills. This will contribute efficiently to the achievement of future knowledge developments across Europe in vocational and higher education. The final outcome of the project will be a micro-Certification based Education Training System called „ComeThinkAgain CETS,“ offering micro-modules for both vocational and higher education at a European level. Since teachers and trainers are multipliers for current
jobs in the industry and the future workforce, the main target groups of the project are teachers trained at Higher Education (HE) level at Universities of Teacher Education and Vocational Education Training (VET) trainers with focus on ICT professions as well as on certain industry sectors, such as manufacturing or production. The learning materials produced will be published as Open Educational Resources (OER) under an open Creative Commons (CC-by) licence. The approach of providing an internationally accepted and standardised certification is inspired by the European Computer Driving Licence ECDL; (ICDL, 2022). Evidence of the efficacy of this approach is provided by experimental pilot implementations in the project partners’ countries in the form of teacher training at higher education and vocational training institutions.



Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
Projektleitung gesamt
Strasser, Thomas; Univ. Lektor Hochschulprofessor Mag. Dr.
Projektleitung intern
Strasser, Thomas; Univ. Lektor Hochschulprofessor Mag. Dr.
Interne Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Greller, Wolfgang; Mag. Dr. Univ.-Doz.
Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus; Hochschulprofessor Mag. Dr. MSc. OStR
Sankofi, Martin; Mag. MSc.
Szucsich, Petra; Mag. MSc.
Externe Projektmitarbeiter/innen
Ghoneim, Andrea;
Revyakina, Elena;
2020 – 2022
The EKT project aims to improve European higher education and, in particular, the development and experimentation of collaborative educational methodologies and Smart technological framework that aims to impact on a more effective, scalable, sustainable system which is closely linked to the professional contexts for which we train. To do this, we rely on a strategic triangle configured by educational centres (schools and teachers), universities (Faculties of Education and researchers) and technology-based companies and technological institutions (specifically those that offer services and e-learning resources). We propose to work in an articulated way from these three contexts to establish a dynamics of knowledge development based on teaching innovation, educational research and technological development.

The project is contextualized in the Faculties of Educational Sciences and in particular in the official studies of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Education. With the implementation of the European Higher Education Area, ITE in Europe converges in the incorporation of a significant period of school teaching practice (in-school placement) that in some cases constitutes up to 25% of the prospective teacher training. EU Commission, in its report “The Teaching Profession in Europe” (European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice,2015), highlights “real classroom experience” as one of the 3 key elements of ITE, emphasizing the importance of “in-school placement” at the same level of the “academic knowledge of their subject” and “teaching approaches”. A proper teacher training requires to be trained in these three elements. Surprisingly, academic policies do not generally value these three equally, and frequently, in-school placement is less valued, understanding that prospective teachers learn these skills naturally just by being placed in a school. This way, key processes to promote reflective learning of the teaching profession, such as collaboration, interaction, monitoring, and counselling processes are neglected.

In-school placement co-participated by university lecturers and non-university teaching tutors has a strategic character in the training of prospective teachers and sets a favourable scenario to promote the interaction between theory and practice, exercise professional skills and experiment proposals for educational innovation monitored by experienced professionals and analysed by educational researchers. However, the experience and the studies carried out on teaching practice show that, despite being a strategic scenario for student teachers training, the training experience can be improved, and this improvement can be implemented through the application of resources and services, delivered through e-learning. We therefore intend to address the needs for improving the training of student teachers during the implementation of in-school placements and therefore develop methodologies and e-learning solutions that have a real impact on the following aspects that clearly need to be improved:
• Dynamics to coordinate work between university and non-university teachers who supervise and accompany the student during the in-school placement period.
• Individualized follow-up of students in practice and their continued monitoring.
• An intelligent system that helps to support the self-learning process that every prospective teacher must record during the period of in-school teaching practice.

Beschreibung (engl.)
The EKT project aims to improve European higher education and, in particular, the development and experimentation of collaborative educational methodologies and Smart technological framework that aims to impact on a more effective, scalable, sustainable system which is closely linked to the professional contexts for which we train. To do this, we rely on a strategic triangle configured by educational centres (schools and teachers), universities (Faculties of Education and researchers) and technology-based companies and technological institutions (specifically those that offer services and e-learning resources). We propose to work in an articulated way from these three contexts to establish a dynamics of knowledge development based on teaching innovation, educational research and technological development.

The project is contextualized in the Faculties of Educational Sciences and in particular in the official studies of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Education. With the implementation of the European Higher Education Area, ITE in Europe converges in the incorporation of a significant period of school teaching practice (in-school placement) that in some cases constitutes up to 25% of the prospective teacher training. EU Commission, in its report “The Teaching Profession in Europe” (European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice,2015), highlights “real classroom experience” as one of the 3 key elements of ITE, emphasizing the importance of “in-school placement” at the same level of the “academic knowledge of their subject” and “teaching approaches”. A proper teacher training requires to be trained in these three elements. Surprisingly, academic policies do not generally value these three equally, and frequently, in-school placement is less valued, understanding that prospective teachers learn these skills naturally just by being placed in a school. This way, key processes to promote reflective learning of the teaching profession, such as collaboration, interaction, monitoring, and counselling processes are neglected.

In-school placement co-participated by university lecturers and non-university teaching tutors has a strategic character in the training of prospective teachers and sets a favourable scenario to promote the interaction between theory and practice, exercise professional skills and experiment proposals for educational innovation monitored by experienced professionals and analysed by educational researchers. However, the experience and the studies carried out on teaching practice show that, despite being a strategic scenario for student teachers training, the training experience can be improved, and this improvement can be implemented through the application of resources and services, delivered through e-learning. We therefore intend to address the needs for improving the training of student teachers during the implementation of in-school placements and therefore develop methodologies and e-learning solutions that have a real impact on the following aspects that clearly need to be improved:
• Dynamics to coordinate work between university and non-university teachers who supervise and accompany the student during the in-school placement period.
• Individualized follow-up of students in practice and their continued monitoring.
• An intelligent system that helps to support the self-learning process that every prospective teacher must record during the period of in-school teaching practice.
